how to go full screen on 123 movies

Watching movies online can be a great experience, especially when you can view them in full screen. If you’re using 123 Movies and want to enjoy your favorite shows or movies in full screen, here’s how you can do it:

1. Start Your Video

  • First, navigate to 123 Movies and select the movie or TV show you want to watch. Click on the title to start streaming.

2. Locate the Full Screen Button

  • Once the video starts playing, look for the full screen icon. This icon is usually located in the bottom-right corner of the video player. It typically looks like four arrows pointing outward or a rectangle.

3. Click the Full Screen Icon

  • Click on the full screen icon to expand the video to fill your entire screen. Your video will now play in full screen mode, giving you an immersive viewing experience.

4. Exit Full Screen Mode

  • To exit full screen, simply press the “Esc” key on your keyboard or click the full screen icon again. This will return the video to its original size within the browser.

5. Troubleshooting Tips

  • Video Not Going Full Screen: If the video doesn’t expand to full screen, try refreshing the page or restarting your browser.
  • Browser Compatibility: Ensure that your browser is up to date. Some older browsers may not support full screen mode on certain websites.
  • Pop-up Blockers: Disable any pop-up blockers or browser extensions that might interfere with the video player’s functionality.

6. Mobile Devices

  • If you’re watching on a mobile device, the full screen option is typically accessible by tapping the video. The full screen icon will appear, usually in one of the corners of the video player. Tap it to enter full screen mode.

By following these steps, you can easily watch your favorite movies and shows on 123 Movies in full screen, making your viewing experience more enjoyable.

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